Personal Growth Consulting

Individualized In-Depth Support



In addition to helping Therapists and other business owners reach their goals in their careers, a main passion of mine has been helping people overcome challenges and reach higher levels in their personal lives.

I am not always able to help in all of the areas that I would like just due to time constraints and a need to focus on areas where I feel I can be the most effective, although I try to dedicate at least a portion of my time and energy to 3 issues that I am very passionate about.

“If you get tired, learn to rest. Not quit.”

Take the 15 Question Burnout Assessment

Feeling tightness in your chest?  Are you exhausted but can’t sleep?  Do you constantly feel drained? 

These are all symptoms of burnout.

This quick quiz will help you identify the key indicators of this problematic issue so you can get a better idea of what’s impacting your stress levels and start resolving those issues. Once you take the quiz, your results will be sent to your inbox immediately.

Work Stress Reduction

When the dream job you’ve worked so hard to achieve is actually leading you to feel overly stressed, overwhelmed, and maybe even causing physical pain or disease, it’s time for a change.

You’ve already accomplished major professional achievements, but at what cost? Your relationships are suffering and your “free time” is nonexistent.

It doesn’t have to be like this. There’s a way to have both professional accolades and personal happiness. The key is finding the right balance and utilizing the most advanced Mindfulness-Based tools to manage or smash out stress in the workplace

I regularly have openings for 1 on 1 clients for this support as well as group programs.  Click “inquire now” to learn more or get on my waiting list.

“Experience LIFE. Enjoy it. Embrace it.”

Relationship Stress Reduction

t’s not always easy to promote and maintain a healthy relationship dynamic with our partners.  It often takes a lot of work, especially when life gets busy or stressful.  With that said, we can’t just let things fall off to the side.

If your intimate relationship is going through hard times right now you owe it to yourself and your partner to seek help and support.

My approach to Relationship Stress Management is straightforward and simple to follow. It involves a 3-steps approach:

  1. Mindful Awareness
  2. Self-Regulation
  3. Effective Communication

My strategic approach to these three areas can transform your relationship and bring that peace, love and happiness that you have bee yearning for.

Click “Inquire Now” to learn more, sign up for my 1 on 1 couples coaching, or hear about future group classes or retreats that may be available.

“Change can be scary. Learn to get comfortable with that fear and you’ll have no limits.”

You Are Enough

This is the culmination of my life’s work.  If you are yearning for more peace, happiness, joy, love, or just more confidence in yourself or understanding of the depths of who you are, this is for you!

The focus is on deep self-awareness, emotional regulation, personal growth, and the shedding of that pesky, sneaky deep trauma would that tells you “You are not enough”.

It’s time to stop letting those outdated Core-Beliefs stand in your way and impede your progress to a more enlightened life and deeper satisfaction within.

Develop the ability to walk your path with less fear, more discipline and motivation, and the feeling that you are and will be Successful at whatever it is you wish to accomplish.

This process will take you into deep self-exploration so be prepared to be transformed!

Click “Learn More” for more info or to sign up for 1 on 1training with me.

“Ready to structure your life in a fulfilling way without the stress and overwhelm? ”


There’s no better time to start than right now.